How Regret Can Help You Live Your Dream Life


We’re all here for such a small amount of time, yet we feel as though it’s unlimited. We fill our precious days with things that keep us busy and often leave little time for what really matters. Living that lifestyle can create a thought pattern of “I’ll do it tomorrow.” We don’t realize that each day is precious. We let trivial, unimportant things cloud our vision to our truest joys. We let what others think of us or who we should be dictate where we want to go and who we want to be.

These innocent moments can pass by and sometimes they turn into days, months and years. Suddenly we look back and feel as though we missed so much of our lives. “Where did the time go?” “I cant believe I never did XYZ”. “I wish I didn’t spend so much time behind a desk.” Then, we can feel overwhelmed, anxious and let down.

We realize we missed chasing our dreams because we didn’t ever dig deep enough to even know what our dreams were. Or we didn’t find the confidence in ourselves to try to fulfill those dreams. We missed finding the love of our lives because we decided to settle with the person who made us feel secure. We missed taking that risk because fear told us we couldn’t possibly succeed. 

Unless you have truly lived a life with self-awareness and risk, at some point in your life you will look back and think: “wow, I should have (insert regret here)”. If you’re lucky, you will come to this place of let-down.

This moment, though a deep realization, can be your biggest blessing.

Hear me out.

When our journey brings to us to this thought, these actualizations can often help us change our path. It can wake us up, teach us that this moment matters and that we matter. It is as though our soul is waking up and telling us that we must start now. No one can change the past as it has been written and no one can predict the future, so right now is the opportunity we have to live fully. 

Yes, even if you think you’re too old or too settled or not smart enough. You can make a change. There is a powerful tool in making this decision and it is simply one question that you can ask yourself. What is worse: to feel regret for the rest of your life or to make a difficult change that may lead you to the best and most fulfilled days of your life?

I choose the risk- every single time.

What you’re reading right now is one of my personal risks. Sharing my heart and my personal story puts me in a vulnerable spot. In the beginning, I didn’t know what I was doing aside from sharing my story. I took time away from my family, friends and work to write and create More Positivity. I learned how to design a website with no technical background, I studied SEO, marketing techniques, created graphics, spent hours creating photographs and imagery and so much more. 

Why did I do all of those things? Because of the moment I described above where I asked myself is regret worse than trying? I knew on my heart that sharing my story would help others. It has proven itself ten-fold. All of the other beautiful things I’ve gained from MP are just a bonus that I feel so grateful for. From the strong and empowering MP community, to the friendships I’ve formed, to the opportunities I’ve been given. To now, writing this first blog post. More Positivity was a way for me to provide hope for others, now it is a risk that has created an entirely new way of life for me.

If you focus on what is missing from your life you will always feel that you are lacking. You cannot stay in a state of lack if you want to create abundance, joy and fulfillment. You must look past what has happened in order to look forward to what can happen. 

Many spiritual and self-help teachers always teach  that what we focus on, grows. If you want to create more lack, think of your failures. If you want to create the life youre dreaming of, think of that often. The power is inside of us because our thoughts truly create our reality. If you think you are a failure, thats how you will feel and that is how you will act. Imagine how powerful we would feel if we thought the opposite? So, what do you want to create? Whatever it is, you are more capable than you believe and this is your reminder.

No one in the world is you and no one can or will ever be exactly YOU. Out of 7.5+ billion people, you’re the only you. You have skills, knowledge, abilities, emotions that no one else can give to the world except you. What are the things you want to change? What do you want to create? I challenge you to write them down. Even if no one will ever see them and then you light them on fire. Just think of them.

Once you know what you want, you give your subconscious the ability to create it. The first step is knowing what you want, the second step is taking the steps toward it.


Michaela PComment