The Surprising Way You Can Find Peace of Mind Today


Peace is something inside of you- it's not in any person, place or thing. Peace doesn't magically appear in your life when you master every yoga pose or when you've traveled or when you reach a certain number in your bank account. It won’t appear into your life like a text message notification to let you know you’ve found it, either.

Though that’s what many of us have thought or currently think, subconsciously. In our digital world fueled by consumerism many have the impression that if we have this many followers, this piece in our wardrobe, if we drive this kind of car, if we have this much money - then we will be at peace. Only then, we will be okay.

Peace will never be about the yoga class pass you’ve purchased or about how many times you’ve read the New York Times best selling spirituality books.

Though these things can help you on your journey to recognize and feel it indefinitely, they aren’t the one key that will open the door. That door will open when you can confidently and calmly turn the knob yourself. When you consciously make the decision to find gratitude, to choose love, to let go of all that distracts you from the beauty of your being and the beauty of your world. 

If you take one single minute to notice that you are a living, breathing miracle you will feel a shift. You’ll feel different. You’ll talk different, you’ll live your life in a less chaotic way. Imagine if you made time to practice that feeling each and everyday? The moments you’re given each day will feel more valuable and the opportunities you’re presented with will feel like treasures. You’ll feel (more than) okay with who you are and proudly be yourself without worry fear of the outside world says. 

You’ll know the door to peace is wide open when you’ve let go of judgement of yourself and from others. You will feel free of the chains that have held you back and kept you stuck in the place you don’t want to be - physically or emotionally.

You won’t be bombarded by negativity, by drama and by gossip. You’ll suddenly no longer entertain those things because you realize they don’t make you better, they just keep you from truly living. You won’t feel unfulfilled when you learn that someone else has something that you hope for. You will feel inspired that you too, can succeed. 

In the simplest way, peace is a journey. Unique to who you are and what you are going through, it will feel different for everyone. It is a learning process that may be filled with curves and bumps and mountains, but when you arrive you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

Peace comes from love, especially self-love. It awakens as you let limitations slip away from your mind and believe in all the good that there is. In knowing that you are a miracle, that this life is your chance. It’s something that is deep inside of your soul. Once you acknowledge its depth and importance, is the moment you create more room for it.

Through taking sorrow, pain, anger, jealousy and working through them. It's learning that when someone or something tries to hurt you for no specific reason, that it has nothing to do with you, who you are or what you've done. It's their sadness, anger and pain coming out and you must not let it break you.

That is peace. It comes from a finding a confidence inside of you. To know truly, no matter what that you are love. You are strength. You are capable of anything. This beautiful life you were given is a blessing. Marvel at all the amazement that is around you. That is peace.

Peace is a gift and its yours for the taking. May you find it and never let it go.

Michaela P